In the vibrant month of April, our Airbnb property became the setting of an unfortunate and disastrous experience. In this post I will be telling you all about this horrible nightmare. I’ll also share with you a piece of advice that you can keep in mind if you’re staying at an AirBnB. Read to the end so you don’t miss any detail!

How the Airbnb nightmare began?

It all started when the guest, a cheerful and communicative woman, booked two nights at our facility. The series of events that would soon unfold left us perplexed and horrified.

The first event should have warned us about the type of person we were dealing with, but it did not. The lady contacted us via email and requested to change the reservation dates. Usually, we try to accommodate our guests in every possible way. We like to show them through actions that we are the right choice. So, when they go back home, they think, “We should have stayed longer at this Airbnb!”

Before responding to the lady, we checked whether we could reschedule her date or not. Unfortunately, we had other guests for that weekend on our calendar. So, we informed her that it would not be possible for us to modify the check-in date. Despite our response, the lady, less cheerful but more communicative, wrote again a second time. And as if it was a warning of what was to come, she wrote a third, fourth, and even a fifth time, always with the same request. A request that we politely rejected from the beginning. She was not successful, and she made sure that we weren’t either.

It was night when the guests arrived at the house, led by the lady, no longer cheerful or communicative. Within a few hours of their stay at our Airbnb, the security system and Wi-Fi were disconnected. We were concerned because it prevented our access to the surveillance cameras. And like any diligent host, we tried to communicate with the guests to ensure that everything was going well for them. We called, but there was no response. Then we used Airbnb’s technical support, and we still didn’t receive a response. Everything was very strange.

We began to worry, but without exhausting our last reserves of hope. We had various optimistic and foolish ideas: what could happen in two days? Maybe it’s just a technical problem. Who would take their vacation to fix it? Nothing bad must be happening, she seemed like a cheerful and communicative lady. Besides, if something so serious had happened, they would have already notified us, right? Despite everything, we chose to wait until the check-out day to find out exactly what happened.

The day arrived, and it wouldn’t take long for our ideas to be shattered by the cruel reality. We entered. We looked around slowly. And we stopped, shocked, or rather, astonished, at the level of devastation that the guests had caused. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The images were reminiscent of a hurricane. I’m not exaggerating.

Before we continue, let us clarify something. We are aware that accidents can happen, and in fact, they happen all too often. That’s why we are willing to be understanding with our guests when one occurs. It’s the risk of opening the doors of our Airbnb to strangers. But what you will read next is the result of carelessness, disrespect, and ill intentions. The events were too strange and numerous to be called accidents.

What was the damage caused to our Airbnb?

The floor was sticky and filled with food. The door frames of the master bedroom were unhinged from the wall. It looked like an angry builder had attacked them with a demolition hammer. In the garage, there were chicken bones, food remnants hidden in the most unusual places in the house, including the microwave, oven, and refrigerator. Ironically, the trash can was clean, but the house was dirty.

But there’s more. The walls, towels, and bedding were stained. Some were soaked with makeup, hair dye, nail polish, and others with substances impossible to distinguish. We had to discard almost everything because it was impossible to reuse.

The surprise that awaited us in the backyard was heartbreaking: our 10-foot tall umbrella had been completely destroyed.

And the pool looked like one of those beaches where the trash prevents you from seeing the surface. It’s normal for the pool to get dirty. It always happens, and we are prepared for that. But this time was different from any other we have experienced before. The pool was filled with plastic cups, false eyelashes, and food remnants. It was unrecognizable.

As Airbnb hosts, we must be prepared for all kinds of situations. Although we trusted that our guests would respect and take care of our property, unfortunately, we encountered an unforgettable experience for all the wrong reasons.

Usually, we avoid bothering our guests for minor inconveniences like breaking a decoration or staining a towel during their stay, as we understand that these things can happen. But when our guests cause major damages, or damages that indicate intentional carelessness, we try to be transparent and honest. We demand the respect that we were once able to offer them.

Why we have this Airbnb and one final tip

When we tell this story, people ask us why we keep opening our home to these types of tenants. They even encourage us to quit the business in order to preserve our property. However, we continue to do it for a very good reason.

Our Airbnb business started a year ago, and at that time, we didn’t know that we would become so passionate about it. Yes, it was a way to earn extra income, but it was also an opportunity to interact with our guests, listen to them, read their feedback about what they liked about our property, and privately receive their recommendations for improvement. Positive reviews and 5-star ratings can brighten our day and motivate other customers to visit us.

In short, it’s exciting to see a customer return to our property. It’s a sign that we are doing well, and our guests notice it.

Lastly, if I could give advice to all those who wish to stay in an Airbnb, it would be to be considerate and responsible. Remember that behind every home, there is a story and a host who is eager to welcome you with open arms. Because, in the end, you can only demand what you are willing to offer. If you demand respect, it is assumed that you were the first to offer it.

Remember that from now on you can choose your reservation date to stay at our Airbnb: South Florida Tropical Vacation. You can do this through the platforms Booking, Vrbo, AirBnB and my own website. With just one click you can be closer to enjoying this tropical paradise in Florida.

 If you would like to know the details of the house, its rooms and the advantages of staying here, you can read this post. We know you’ll love the tranquility and comfort of South Florida Tropical Vacation.